The Heritage, Creativity and Innovation Nexus

Descriptions of heritage, guidance and norms rarely denote the central role that innovation and creativity play in conservation.

Emphasis in narrative terms tends to focus on connections to the past, rehearsing long-standing dichotomies between authentic heritage and change. Many times, creativity and the ensuing transformations of both rural and urban spaces tend to remain hidden behind exposed artefacts and official representations, silenced by authorized heritage discourse or simply relegated as vernacular practices.

Ranging from massive infrastructure construction, speculative architecture and total material transformations of heritage sites to micro-level restoration and beautification techniques by local craftsmen, innovation clearly takes different forms, values and positionalities in the context of heritage. Such phenomena prompt the need for further theoretical reflection.

Download the new book here

We aim to engage with the heritage, creativity and innovation nexus from different disciplinary and epistemological angles.

We seek to deliberately cross boundaries, generations and languages to generate fertile grounds for both conceptual and practical innovation.

Florence Graezer Bideau & Peter Larsen


International workshop

November 4-5, 2021

Our international workshop brings together cutting-edge researchers and practitioners from anthropology, future studies, geography, economy, history, digital humanities, sociology and architecture.

PhD school seminar: Interrogating heritage and creativity

November 5-6, 2021

The PhD school unites junior scholars from three different backgrounds; anthropology, architecture and urban studies and the digital humanities. Bridging young and senior scholars is not just a matter of pedagogy and transmission.